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All of us at iPMI believe strongly in supporting our community and its local charitable organizations.
iPMI is actively involved with Challenges Foundation, an offical Wounded Warrior resource center.  Challenges Foundation’s mission is to provide a sailing experience to inpatient, wounded veterans. It began in 1998, is a non-profit, volunteer, 501(c)(3) charitable organization and both Inge and David are on the board of directors as volunteer board members. The Challenges Veterans Sailing Project has been the focus for the Foundation since its inception in 1998. Challenges Foundation provides sailing trips for Veterans as a break from their treatment at the VA. There are also collaborations with several Marina Del Rey community organizations for children and seniors to add sailing as an activity, which will assist participants in developing skills for sailing, promoting team-building and increasing self-confidence, while providing education of maritime activities.   For more information, go to:  http://challengesfoundation.org/.
iPMI is a proud supporter of The Unrecables (UNlimited RECREational ABILities). The Unrecables is the Los Angeles Chapter of Disabled Sports USA and is a non-profit, tax deductible organization. The Unrecables serve the recreational needs of many people with disabilities in Southern California. In addition, Inge Hobo-Scheinfarb, Managing Broker, proudly served on the Board of Directors for several years as the President, and although she is no longer on the board, she still stays involved in this much-needed organization.  For more information about The Unrecables, go to: http://www.unrecables.com.